USMC Military Barracks
Novosibirsk. One of the most built up areas in Siberia this map is sure to please. It has numerous police stations and military bases - all with interior. In the military bases there are plethoras of areas to choose from interior wise - there are headquarter buildings, barracks with beds etc, offices, helicopter pads, airstrips, comms arrays, etc. Depots for vehicles are also included, as well as beautifully crafted mhidrise buildings in the military bases to give the feeling of officiality. The police stations have fully custom vehicles with real insignias etc. They also have full interiors with jail areas, armouries, spawns, parking lots, receptions, etc. The main city area is the real star here though. Sporting a massive amount of interiors including but not limited to a garage, a store with full interior, high-midrise buildings with a multiple town centres/culture palaces. Including new and custom builds by gretchka such as new house models for the villages and more buildings in general with high quality textures, this map is sure to please any USSR/Russia looking for a game for their group.
Chicago, Illinois
City of Chicago map, including several land marks & extremely high quality buildings.
Comes with a fully scripted economy system.
Comes with a fully scripted shop system.
Comes with fully scripted character customisation screens in specific areas of the map. (E.g. Barbers, Clothing shops)
Large map with multiple areas of interest, including shops with interiors.
SCI – Kilo
Detailed, open SCPF styled map. Containing all necessary components of a map such as personnel quarters, Class-D Containment, Security Offices etc it provides all the facilities you need for a successful SCPF, or group in the same genre. All rooms are enterable and contain probs and other forms of detail to sharpen the users experience. With a complex map layout it provides variety in activities whilst on site, also allowing other events that are necessary to keep a community alive. Containment zones are filled with props such as shrubbery, prison-style props along with necessities such as seating (unprogrammed). Personnel zones utilize unique styles of infrastructure, opening up hallways to be far wider and more open, enhancing common experiences in the genre such as combat, making it a suitable map for FPS, TPS and OTS weapons systems.
Rights purchased from Venture